this blog is written in entertainment purpose, it "may" contain information that can improve your life BUT IS EVERY ONES CHOICE HOW TO USE IT! use your mind and think before u act!

Aug 19, 2013

On Adrenalin

   The waves flow up and down, side to side. Tide rises, tide subsides. Pangs of energetic motivation and ferocious apathy. The forces within is an everlasting battle, true basis requires the application of will. Balance is established. Karma is one interpretation, however other "schools of thought" point to the same interpretation, all lead to one constant like "all roads lead to Rome".
   So the question of tapping into the particlar frequency, like finding radio waves for a particular radio station, raises your awareness level on that frequency, possible. The "channel" is found, making mystical "telepathy" into something that can be controlled and utilised at the simplicity of a "mouse-click". The process is Scientific, the application is Philosophical. Simple does not mean easy. The deed is application and level of will.
Will is fucking courage. Balls to be more precise, the kind of Balls that made Men. Men, the dual concepts of Strength and Principle intertwined resulting to the true definition of Honour, the archtype the establishment prefers you forgot. Fucking wake up, you're not "soft". They want you to believe you are, you're not "weak" they're using "technology" so you convince yourself you are.

    Step 1 get rid of the "need for the Mama's tit" and kill this fucking Femi-Nazi propaganda beliefs and get in touch, not with your pathetic feminine side, the "whiner", the "victim" but with the beast inside of you. Yeah, dig deep in your fire from within and see yourself completely with no judgments, but deep and true understanding.
Your fire is adrenalin, put it to the test and master it! How? Daily doses of Courage...ask yourself what activities would challenge my balls department? I could share some, Biking, Rock Climbing, Parkour, Skydiving, and my preferred two: Fighting and Girl "Hunting", practicing the forces of Survivial and Replication, the latter being the most challenging but also the most rewarding.

    Man's search for meaning is man's yearn for freedom. Be free, melt and extinguish your social conditionings and false should be's and embrace the power they're most afraid of. Yang Uprising. Caveman Renaissance: the combination of knowledge, experience and the understanding/utilisation of the primoridal instincts from within.
   Physical initiation leads to Psychological "superiority" giving you the edge to pursue and conquer the "territory" you want to fucking dominate. Be it in Business, Martial Arts, Street Fighting, Sports or any aspiration you endeavour. Make sure proces of inititation is physically challenging; it's the only way it can work. You need to feel your heart racing and every ounce of your body screaming in complaint not to go through the deed. You need to experience dry mouth, maybe even a little bit of shaking (symptoms of adrenal release) you need to feel the "nausea" like sensations and than going through the deed with your head held high. 
    From a practical standpoint, breathe. Breathe deeply, inhale through nose, exhale through mouth. 10-15 full belly breathes and all symptoms above will become irrelevant as now you've managed to control the "nitro" in your body, next step...Unleash the "Chi" on the fucker, if it's a fight, the first punch would be hard...the rest...use the explosive power to demolish the fucker. 

On Adrenalin. Over and Out.   

by Clint Calleja

Jul 14, 2013


   Thoughts and dreams magnetize each individuals “what if’s” and creativity is triggered inspiring pictures of the “what if’s”. Your average individual stands at awe of these pictures, mortified and smitten by the possibility yet wouldn't dare to take a simple step towards actualizing even a small percentage of it. Certainty is non-existing when it comes to the dreams we dare to dream however “realism” permeates the picture of our nightmares. But aren't they still pictures? Aren't they still un-manifested? Why does the mediocre negative holds such a strong grasp on us and yet when the dreams flow like a gushing water, we drawn in a submissive smirk that ends in the “realistic” status quo.

    The sea holds a healing and hypnotic effect, just like fire and it’s sound and it’s motion determines the flow of thoughts. But what happens when the dream-flow triggers the fire from within that arouses a mixture of the most primal of instincts, a combative mind state which refuses to settle for the mediocre. What kind of thoughts did the signal explores, conquerors and warriors hold in their minds? What did they feel? Didn't they still have pictures of “worst case scenarios”?

   And yet this did not stop them from pushing their quest as impossible, far-fetched and unknown it looked like or might have felt like. We are “trained” to repress our impulses to our detriment but that’s “old news”. What kind of thoughts, what kind of questions do we need to ask for us… to see the dreams… possible? The first indication and clue lies in taking the first step.

   Clarity of thought. Clarity of thought. Clarity that cuts through the unproductive and shapes crystal clear plans of action: precision, systematic organization and methodical, ferocious execution. Nothing left to chance, pushing the verge of confidence to its peak, getting there and push towards another peak.

by Clint Calleja

Jun 12, 2013


Nowadays everybody is talking about status and the first question that popped in my mind when I started questioning this fact was:
              -          Do they really understand the complexity of a human  
              -          Mmmm…… no, I don’t think so. (yeah weird, I 
              know, sometimes I really give myself the answers)

Status is the sum of all assets material and immaterial that can be used to describe a person (character, studies, avatar, job, money, house and car), and is THE ONLY THING THAT WOMEN CHOOSE THEIR MALES BASED ON.

Being two kinds of assets gives us three status possibilities:
            1.       “more dominant” material assets Status(MAS);
            2.       “more dominant” immaterial assets Status(IAS);
            3.       “in equilibrium” Status(IES).

It helps to know all this cause’ once u know it easier will be to “play” with the status, anyway we unconsciously “play” with it but a lot of people instead of improving it they lower their own status, which I’m not enjoy seeing. I mean I’m a selfish motherfucker and I want to become the best but with these cunts around me which are more concern about sabotaging themselves than keeping it up I become lazy. I know the competition is with yourself, but sometimes one could really use some “outsiders”, otherwise he will get bored.

It really doesn't matter which kind of status u have, the important things are to acknowledge it and the constant desire to improve it. Obviously the best one is the “IES” but to accomplish that it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of focus values that not every human being have.  

Now thinking more about it a second question started to buzz me:
             -          How the fuck can I explain to some undeveloped creatures the ways of using and  
                    improving their status?

But after a while it hit me, I remember it:  I was an Average Joe and I know how it is, I know better how frustrating can be to see a “9” or “10” and cause I didn't know how to use my status in my advantage I was only “seeing” her.

The first thing to do is to create a scale(a 1 to 10 scale), the same scale for everybody and based on this scale u start placing people on the right level, in this way you will have an accurate point of view about others status, men or women, because this can be used by both man and women;.

And if a man doesn't mind the women status, they consider the avatar being the status I know I know lame human beings. :))) , the women are more concern about their mating male status and u should know that they are concern about it and take it in consideration while they decide that you will be the one that’s gonna fuck her tonight, so with this in your mind you can become more accurate and calibrate more when you “choose” the female.

I used choose written like “choose” due to the fact that men will never choose a woman that didn't select them first, translated it’s: a man choose only from the women that are already choose him; that’s why the status is so fucking important; higher your status is, more women will select you, more women will select you more choices you have, more choices you have higher chances to have a relationship are; got it? ;)

By now u already know what kind of status you’re having and u also know that there are 7 major categories to “play” with so obviously to improve the status u have to work more for the “other part” of the status, that means that if you have MAS u can improve more the IAS or if you have IAS you can improve more MAS and in this way you can obtain a higher IES, logical no?

I know that may sound like marketing but it’s true and if there are 10 commandments just based on a “marketing decision” (G. Carlin) then nothing amaze me anymore :) .

The scale is important because once u established the women status and hers is bigger than yours u have two options:
               1.       If the difference between your statuses is big than you go back and improve 
               2.       If the difference is not too big you can higher yours (demonstrating high value –
                      DHV) and lower hers a bit (negs) in the same time (win-win).

This might sound too technical but once u learn the process u can make the adjustments for your own particular case.  

Be advised:  every time a woman improves her status she will upgrade even the “love relationship”, so either u keep up with her or else u fuck off.

May 17, 2013


Big topic :)

It took me almost 25 years to understand what is and how can someone use this powerful “skill” to have the result that he desire at his will. Actually there are two outcomes that one can achieve with mastering the sexuality:
           1.       “just friends relationship”(FZ);
           2.        “couple relationship” [CR – this doesn’t 
                    necessarily means a LTR(long term relationship)
                    it can be an ONS(one night stand) 
                    or FB(fuck buddies)].

Lately I have been asked a lot of questions like: “how can I go out of a FZ?” or “what do I have to do to make her see me more than just a friend?” and the answer is very simple: “you have to be sexual”.

But first of all let’s see what the “mathematics” is saying:
             a.       Connection (friendship) = “Just Friendship” --- if you don’t add anything how can      
                    you expect to have other results?
             b.      Connection (friendship) + Sexuality = “Couple Relationship” (FZ+S=CR)

So technically speaking sexuality is the “switcher” to “play” with your “relationship status”; if one wants to get out of a CR the first thing to do is to eliminate the sexuality [CR-S=FZ (mathematics again :) )]; if one wants to go in a CR, one of the first things to do is to add sexuality. Neither one of this two directions (going in or getting out) is easy to follow in order to achieve your goal and I’m not going to talk more about them cause’ is another subject and it’s a complex one though I will only mention that like everything else these are based on a process and if u learn the “going in process (GIP)” when u want to get out u have to reverse the “GIP”.

Now, after we finished with the “equations” let’s see what really sexuality is or how can u be sexual:

“Sexuality is anything that can help you to arouse your partner: eye contact, tonality of the voice, lips movements, kissing, soft touching, caressing, cuddling, French kissing, rubbing, blowing, licking, fucking, hardcore sex “ (if I forgot something give me a mail and I’ll add it :) ). All this things are “Helpers” and is just our job to activate them; the activation can be made thru three ways: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic, commonly known as: visual, conversational and physical(kino).

Like I previously said this is a process and knowing where you are is very important because it will help you to calibrate the sexuality; for instance the three most common mistakes are:

        -entering in comfort(C) without any sexuality (that will more probably head u to the FZ  
          than in S);
        -in S you don’t calibrate it enough [that will give u more chances to get a last minute 
          resistance (LMR)];
        -in LTR you don’t raise the level and increase the amount of sexuality (than the        
          connection will fade);

To overcome these mistakes we have to understand that by adding sexuality to a process it transforms the sexuality in a process of its own, so is more appropriate to say that is a process inside of a process which gives us the next big key: sexuality process name is……Sexual Escalation. It’s called escalation because  it’s progressively increase the intensity of the sexuality from 0(which is when you are “flying under her radar”) till as much as u want to go with it, the only thing to take in consideration is that all SE needs is calibration.

So now we have:
            -          a name:  Sexual Escalation;
            -         helpers;
            -        three ways to activate them: visual sexual escalation(VSE), conversational sexual 
                   escalation(CSE) and kino escalation(KE);
            -          a way to keep it under our control: calibration.

To make your life easier is better if you start the SE from the beginning of the process (Game) so in this way u have the both processes matching rather than running with sexual escalation to catch the Game. Because it depends very much on calibration the escalation is not a predefined thing, you can do whatever is right for that moment.

Use the “skill” wisely!

p.s. this can be used by both men and women.

May 8, 2013

HA vs. TT


At a certain point in my life being an AFC made it very difficult to crack all this “game” or whatever, so studding hard I come across a lot of guys: in books, in videos, even in field that tried to “sell” me the “you have to be whatever she want you to be in order to bed her”…bullshit. Their theory was: it doesn't matter what you do and what you want as long as you get in her pants you are the “king”, if she wants flowers u give her flowers, if she wants gifts you give her gifts, if she wants you to make push-ups in your fingertips u do that cause’ you are a fucking gentlemen and so on (now, after all this years I can understand that point of view and I’m telling you: Sometimes it works BUT IS NOT WORTH IT).

 OBVIOUSLY I had a major problem with this kind of “game”…ok I’ll be honest, I had two majors’ problems:
         1.      I do not lie and I do not do something just to please the others or to get the outcome that I’m going for, I know sometime can be a fucking big hustle to stand tall facing all the problems but I believe that only like that you can improve and upgrade and become every day the best version of yourself

         2.      I don’t want to be the king J

 Hidden Agenda in TPC means the way some men choose to attract women: they will use anything what is not in accordance with what they are; even if they don’t lie they will hide important parts of their behavior and character. Actually it doesn't matter why they do this, is their problem and all this “victories” are just small victories, ain’t something to take in consideration for a role model.

 Think about this: women are attracted to men because of their status…this is a certainty so why does someone lie when all you have to do is to improve your status? What’s gonna happen in “the morning after” or next month or whenever she will find out the real you? and be sure sooner or later she will, though a lot of men think women are stupid…. cause’ they don’t understand them J …they are not, they just think differently and they will know(feel) that is something “wrong” with her “man”.

 So instead of losing time to build up stories and nice environment to “sell” a regular unpolished diamond like real one, focus your energy in polishing “the big stone” which is inside of you and in no time it will become  the best real diamond in all time.

 There is only one tool which can polish you: LEARNING. As long as u keep learning your status will improve continuously, as soon as you stop learning somebody else will overtake you. 
DON’T BE CASUAL IN LEARNING. Learn as much as u can, read books, watch movies, even porn if it doesn't become a habit, play chess, socialize but do it with a goal set in your mind.   

 To attract a woman is very easy, to fuck her is a little bit harder, but still easy if you know what to do and the worst part is that she doesn’t see it coming, on top of that she will fell good (at least until next morningJ) but to do it in your own, unique style offering her an experience, something that she never felt before….mmmmm…..this is the real challenge. Every woman doesn't want to be considered an adventure for u she wants to be TAKEN in an adventure, so is your job to do it.

 When you are focusing on upgrading your status than all your visions will change: you will stop chasing women because they will fell attracted to you and they will “hunt” you, you will have another level of understanding, you will have the ability to help others at your will and a lot more.

 I set a goal in my mind: every time I’ll see a guy with a hidden agenda I’ll amog him like he was never before, I don’t like to interfere in others business but, this time he will get cock-blocked  with no mercy   : )))

 Good luck with your decisions!

Apr 27, 2013

The Goals

Behind every action we take there are two things: first is an objective (a goal) and second is a process. 

No matter what anybody will say, this is how it should be done.  A lot of people I see this days don’t get the outcome of their action as they wish and all they can think about is to complain how difficult it’s to archive something; they blame the society, they blame the governments, they blame their love ones they blame everybody but themselves and the best part is that is not even their fault. The mind works thru patterns but if you didn't settle a pattern, yet how can you know what you could have done in order to get the result you want?  Is not a big problem that until now u had negative results because that is how you trained your brain to work, but from now on you will understand The Same Quote - (If every time you do the same things, in the same way you will have the same results) and you will become more curios and more aware of how you can properly do the things.

To be more accurate, we can divide this part in:

- "Understand" what your goal is(I);
-  "Visualize" yourself doing it(II);
-  "Expect" to archive it(II); 

So let’s take it one step at the time:

First: the goal 

In order to archive something you have to know what that “something” is and the more detailed your “understanding” about it will be, more chances are for you to get it. Be curious about it, start finding information about it and try to be as specific as you possibly can be. 

Second: the process 

Basically the process represent everything you do or think, regarding the goal, between after setting the goal and the moment you archive it. It’s as important as knowing what you want, so don’t treat it like something meaningless. 

As you already figure it out the process starts already when you try to set the goal because with all the knowledge the information will form images in your mind and you will start visualize yourself doing the thing that you want and guess what? your mind will start to form patterns and your mind will start to “see” the solutions to archive what you “set” “her” to do. 

At a basic level, working by comparison your mind will understand that the images about what “you want” and what “you are” are different so will work to find a solution to repair the mismatch between them; with more information you “feed” it easier it will be…..

: ))))) now, if you think that this is hard just wait a little bit.

The speed for obtaining a goal depends from case to case but actually is not very important so you don’t have to go for a certain speed but the process is better if is done in baby steps.
One of the “hardest” parts of the process is taking action. Nothing can be archived over night and ‘because a lot of people don’t have patience they sabotage their own dreams.                                                      
Taking action is something that we normally do in our high state, when we are feeling great, when we are highly motivated but what has one to do when he set a goal and waits one or two or three months for something to happen? For sure he will lose interest, for sure he will find excuses to stop the process, for sure he will find something else which will look more “appealing” for him and in the end he will quit his goal and will go for next one and this circle will repeat …..endless. 

The “cure” for this is: make a plan where you divide the process in small “challenges”, understand that this plan is adjustable so every time is need you can modify it and the most important part is when you are about to take an action be sure that you are in a high state.  We are not always at our peak and is understandable but we can put ourselves in one at our will, you can remember a time when you felt that nothing can stay in front of you, you can listen to some music, you can think about how good it will feel when you will archive that goal; whatever your “routine” is doesn’t matter as long as it gets you in the peak moment and after that you can go for the “challenge”. 

Is important do divide it ‘cause every time you complete a challenge you get the “fuel” to go ahead for the next one; is like, imagine driving on a Californian highway thru desert, if between the place from where u went and the place you want to go is 500 miles and you have 3 gas stations and on top of that u don’t even know where there are how many chances you've got to reach the destination? Instead think if you have the same road but there are gas stations every 50 miles, aren't your chances increased?

Don't be afraid to archive it, in fact if you wish this with all your MBS, it's ok u can expect to have what u wish for ;) and you will have it. 

Stay safe and think about it! ;)

Apr 23, 2013


I think that every man, mostly in their youth, went thru oneitis period and if not everyone, at least a lot of us did (maybe some are that proud of themselves that they don’t want to admit it :) ) So is not a big deal, is not something that we have to feel ashamed of. I mean if you think about it, is natural: a young uneducated man seeing a girl like the princess of his heart kingdom, even honey can’t be sweeter than this, right?

Now, the only problem with it is that MIB (men in becoming :) ) are fucking suffering because of their own “sweetness”,  they try everything they possibly can to attract that girl. But because they step ahead of their time there are more chances to screw things up, than run away with the girl of their dreams. And you know what the strangest part is that it’s ok. Think about it for one min: you are still young, you are in that period when you are free to experiment all the… more or less normal things, you are not mature enough around women, yet , but you are hungry for learning, so now is the time when you can create a better environment for your future, now is the time when you will become more mature and emotional intelligent.  Bringing in your conscious all this premises for your development why do you want to get anchored in a world which is not yours yet?

Women come and go in someone’s life, they can help you to improve your life or they can help you destroy it; it’s your job to protect your life and of those you love. I had once an oneitis so I know how it is to have what you think is the girl of your dreams in front of you and not being able from various reasons to have her but, in time, I changed my visions and my…. dreams [well I didn’t change them, I just upgraded the existing ones. Nobody is forcing you to change everything you know, but the best choice for us is to upgrade ourselves, and guess what? if we upgrade ourselves, automatically, like a consequence, everything what surrounds us will upgrade: our relations, our expectations, our way of seeing things (more specifically the point from where we see the same things )] and when I finally realized that I can evolved more without something which keeps me in the past my life started to improve…. big time. In the same time I know that is fucking difficult to pass over it but, looking back, I thing that is the right thing to do. Anyway, a real “just friendship”, between a man and a woman can’t exist because at least one of them, at a certain point, will fell attracted to the other one. Unless they clarify the “attraction issue” and even if is like this, for a man to grow is better if he stay away from that type of friendship, for him in the most cases is…. unhealthy, is like a disease.

Is difficult for a man to acknowledge that he is in this kind of mind set so that’s why is good when you fell something strange is happening with you just talk with someone, preferably with someone who knows and who can give you some pointers for this.

The cure for this kind of “disease” is to go out from the “relationship”, improve your social circle, bring new activities in your routine, go out and socialize with as many girls as you can, improve your informational intelligence. Nobody deserves more to improve his life than you do, nobody deserves to keep you away from your goals and most definitely nobody is entitled to “help” you to destroy your life.

In the beginning it will be difficult to step out from your comfort zone, mmm…… but what the fuck, if it wasn’t hard everybody had done it.  After you do it you will discover another road ahead and you’ll step on that rode with courage and wisdom and after you resist the temptation to go back you will create a new comfort zone, but once you did this is time to leave that comfort zone once more because in the end, the tricky part about creating a comfort zone is that as soon as we finish creating one we have to leave it for the next one which is an improved version of the previous one.

So don’t get stuck in the past, allow yourself the freedom to create your bright future.