this blog is written in entertainment purpose, it "may" contain information that can improve your life BUT IS EVERY ONES CHOICE HOW TO USE IT! use your mind and think before u act!

Apr 27, 2013

The Goals

Behind every action we take there are two things: first is an objective (a goal) and second is a process. 

No matter what anybody will say, this is how it should be done.  A lot of people I see this days don’t get the outcome of their action as they wish and all they can think about is to complain how difficult it’s to archive something; they blame the society, they blame the governments, they blame their love ones they blame everybody but themselves and the best part is that is not even their fault. The mind works thru patterns but if you didn't settle a pattern, yet how can you know what you could have done in order to get the result you want?  Is not a big problem that until now u had negative results because that is how you trained your brain to work, but from now on you will understand The Same Quote - (If every time you do the same things, in the same way you will have the same results) and you will become more curios and more aware of how you can properly do the things.

To be more accurate, we can divide this part in:

- "Understand" what your goal is(I);
-  "Visualize" yourself doing it(II);
-  "Expect" to archive it(II); 

So let’s take it one step at the time:

First: the goal 

In order to archive something you have to know what that “something” is and the more detailed your “understanding” about it will be, more chances are for you to get it. Be curious about it, start finding information about it and try to be as specific as you possibly can be. 

Second: the process 

Basically the process represent everything you do or think, regarding the goal, between after setting the goal and the moment you archive it. It’s as important as knowing what you want, so don’t treat it like something meaningless. 

As you already figure it out the process starts already when you try to set the goal because with all the knowledge the information will form images in your mind and you will start visualize yourself doing the thing that you want and guess what? your mind will start to form patterns and your mind will start to “see” the solutions to archive what you “set” “her” to do. 

At a basic level, working by comparison your mind will understand that the images about what “you want” and what “you are” are different so will work to find a solution to repair the mismatch between them; with more information you “feed” it easier it will be…..

: ))))) now, if you think that this is hard just wait a little bit.

The speed for obtaining a goal depends from case to case but actually is not very important so you don’t have to go for a certain speed but the process is better if is done in baby steps.
One of the “hardest” parts of the process is taking action. Nothing can be archived over night and ‘because a lot of people don’t have patience they sabotage their own dreams.                                                      
Taking action is something that we normally do in our high state, when we are feeling great, when we are highly motivated but what has one to do when he set a goal and waits one or two or three months for something to happen? For sure he will lose interest, for sure he will find excuses to stop the process, for sure he will find something else which will look more “appealing” for him and in the end he will quit his goal and will go for next one and this circle will repeat …..endless. 

The “cure” for this is: make a plan where you divide the process in small “challenges”, understand that this plan is adjustable so every time is need you can modify it and the most important part is when you are about to take an action be sure that you are in a high state.  We are not always at our peak and is understandable but we can put ourselves in one at our will, you can remember a time when you felt that nothing can stay in front of you, you can listen to some music, you can think about how good it will feel when you will archive that goal; whatever your “routine” is doesn’t matter as long as it gets you in the peak moment and after that you can go for the “challenge”. 

Is important do divide it ‘cause every time you complete a challenge you get the “fuel” to go ahead for the next one; is like, imagine driving on a Californian highway thru desert, if between the place from where u went and the place you want to go is 500 miles and you have 3 gas stations and on top of that u don’t even know where there are how many chances you've got to reach the destination? Instead think if you have the same road but there are gas stations every 50 miles, aren't your chances increased?

Don't be afraid to archive it, in fact if you wish this with all your MBS, it's ok u can expect to have what u wish for ;) and you will have it. 

Stay safe and think about it! ;)